Year 1887


It is the beginning of organized sports leagues in North America. In the United States we see Baseball have a number of different leagues including the National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs (NL) in play. Across the border in Canada, we see the new sport of Ice Hockey making its mark.

Hockey brings us the first Proto-League and Elite Leagues established outside of Baseball and the United States, with the Montreal Winter Carnival Hockey Tournament (MWCHT) returning for play. The Amateur Hockey Association of Canada (AHAC) is formed by the the teams who had been playing in the in the MWCHT and wanted to create their own stand-alone league.

New Leagues

The Amateur Hockey Association of Canada (AHAC) is formed when the teams who have been playing in the Montreal Winter Carnival Hockey Tournament (MWCHT) decided to create their own league, 138 years ago.

Leagues in Operation

Year 5 of play in the Montreal Winter Carnival Hockey Tournament (MWCHT) took place 138 years ago.

Year 1 of play in the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada (AHAC) took place 138 years ago.

Leagues that Folded


League Champions and Other Events

Hockey League Champions in 1887