In 1884, the first ever hockey tournament that debuted at the 1883 Montreal Winter Carnival returned for a second year. MAAA again did not field a team, but McGill University, Montreal Victorias, Ottawa Hockey Club, Montreal Crystals, and Montreal Wanderers were invited to play in a five-team tournament at the McGill University hockey rink.

The 1884 tournament (played from February 4 to February 11) saw several games lost due to rain. The outdoor rink was unplayable on February 6 and the Crystals and Wanderers had issues with forfeiting their games. The Montreal Victorias was the winner of the challenge Tournament.


Cumulative Championships to 1884 Montreal Winter Carnival Tournament
Team # of Premier Championships Premier Championship Points
Montreal Victorias 1 (1884) 4 (+4)
McGill University 1 (1883) 2


Starting in 1883 with only three teams playing three games over two days, the humble beginnings of the MWC Hockey Tournament lead to the creation of the first persistent league. Four Montreal-based teams plus one team from Ottawa played in the MWC and also formed the AHAC in 1887. It is because of this direct linkage the MWC Hockey Tournament is considered to be the direct predecessor to the AHAC for historical and statistical purposes.

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